Wow, making this was fun. I joined a swap on the fabulous and we had a specific assignment. The object was to HAVE FUN! All the art in the swap and mostly on the site is 2.5″ x 3.5″, small. Something called Gel Medium exists. This stuff is sort of like spreadable glue. You use a paintbrush or similar and put it on your surface. Now the fun starts, etch into it, scratch into it, mar it mark it make it yours! You can see I pushed something round and at the bottom, yep, fork tines. I told you it was fun. Now you wait for it to dry. Then, paint it. Then rub some paint off. Wait for that first layer of paint to dry. Then maybe just dry-brush some paint on, wait for that to dry. You can see I used blue purple green yellow and on the very top red. The gel medium once dry is durable so you can go over and over and over it with as many layers, until you get your masterpiece. Enjoy!