Here are the other two master study Basquait pieces I did for the swap.

This, another cat, in honor of my sweet Pearl, angel cat, torturing mice up in kitty heaven. I’m sure she’s into Basquiat too.

Here’s one, a self portrait of sorts, me as a….cat!!! If Basquiat ever did smiles, which he did NOT, I would have put one on me here, but he didn’t, so I didn’t either. He did sort of a tribal thing with his features. You can tell this is female, different than Basquiat’s self portraits well, because he’s a guy, by the yellow circular mammaries!! Yep.

Studying his paintings, making my own, was nothing but a pleasure. In the midst of harvest season where all the dirt and boiling and mason jars and quantities can feel so heavy at times, I have art to keep me smiling.

Peace all,
